Friday, June 26, 2009

Flight 3: Actual Great Success!

Location: Bellomy Field

Date: 6/26/09

Plane: Parkzone Radian (with new carbon reinforced fueselage)

Conditions: 2-3 mph w/ 5mph gusts, wind in total random directions

Battery: Started full (12.56V), ended at 11.3V (2100Mah 3-Cell Thunder Power Pro-Lite V2)

Modifications to Fueselage:
A new fuselage was recieved, and reinfoced with carbon fiber rod where the previous fuselage was shown to be weak.

Today was overall a great day of flying! Flight duration was approximately 30-45 minutes, I should have paid more attention or reset the timer on my transmitter to get actual flight times. Once the plane was properly trimmed (Trimming is difficult without a neck-strap) it flew stable like a charm. Thrown takeoffs were easy, and once in the air the plane seemed highly affected by wind gusts. The wind gust direction was completely random causing some difficulty. I was able to catch my first thermals off the parking lot adjacent to the field, they were quite constant and I was able to fly without power for probably 5 minutes or longer, however, this resulted in some overconfidence in my part and resulted in a stall and near crash in the Leavey Center parking lot later when I was flying at low altitude. Also I practiced landing and found it a bit harder with the wind than I had practiced with the simulator. I found myself coming in too high and way too fast, which ended up with me performing swirls to land. I believe this resulted from my fear of flying to far away to get a good approach. There were no crashes, and the plane was nicely in tact!

Flight 2: Titanic Proportions of suck

Location: Baylands Park

Date: 5/21/09

Plane: Parkzone Radian

Conditions: Windy (too much)

Crash Results:

It was too windy for my nimble novice thumbs to handle. My handy assistant Kirsten helped my hand launch the plane and the wind instantly took it into the trees resulting in an epic fail crash.